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Press room

Welcome to our page for press. If you the skilled journalist or are going to write first clause to computer magazine this place for you.

You can find the information about latest Gattaca Mail Server version on page Whats new?
Here you can find Gattaca Mail Server screenshots
And here is our Awards page

The test version

You can download our program from page Download. This that version which will be received by your readers, - we give it absolutely free of charge for all. Any user of a network the Internet and the reader of your clause can as freely download it from this page and use. Same version extends as well on CDROM some computer magazines. It does not contain time restrictions and can be used for unlimited time.

This version contains restriction by quantity of mail boxes. Users who wish remove this restriction can to buy full license from our distributors for the certain sum. To you as to our observer, we can give a registration key for a writing of the review of our program which will allow you to use our program without restrictions.

You can compare freeware and full version. Gattaca Server does not contain any AdWare or SpyWare, here is our privacy policy.

We can kindly send a registration key for your needs. Please sent inquiry on press@gattaca-server.com and to explain that you writing review of Gattaca Server for the publication.

You can use any texts or graphic representations from this site for creating your review of Gattaca Server. If you have questions to us, you can contact us by e-mail: press@gattaca-server.com

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